Frequently Asked Question
This is a collection of our most frequently asked questions.
Q: Could you tell me about Safe Solution® and how it works?
Safe Solution® is an invisible non-coating, micro-tech application for hard mineral surfaces such as ceramic tile, cement, steel enameled bathtubs, designed to create an anti-slip surface. Safe Solution® creates invisible, microscopic channels that disperse oils and water from underfoot instead of hydroplaning that normally occurs.
Q: Will it change the appearance of a bathtub or ceramic tile?
At first, you may notice a slight haze, which is normal. After time and with regular use, the haze will eventually fade away, the colour will remain the same.
Q: How long does it take to apply?
Overall it will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the application and you can use your bathtub or shower immediately.
Q: How long will it last?
Provided you do not use abrasive cleansers or cleaners that leave a film, Safe Solution® will last up to 3 years in your bathtub or shower.
Q: Is there a guarantee?
Yes, if you use our follow up Clean Step™ multi-purpose cleaner, we will guarantee your bathtub or shower stall will remain Anti-Slip for minimum three years.
Q: Why should I use your cleaner?
We cannot regulate or recommend other cleaners that you may use. However, we know our Clean Step™ cleaner is a superior formulation. It will not interfere with the benefits of your treated bathtub or shower and that’s the reason we can offer this guarantee.
Q: How do I get your cleaner?
When you purchase and receive your Safe Solution® Anti-Slip D.I.Y. Kit, you will notice a free trial bottle of Clean Step™ multi-purpose cleaner included inside the package. A coupon to order Clean Step™ is also enclosed.
Q: Does Safe Solution® work on acrylic/fiberglass bathtubs?
Porcelain and Steel/Enameled tubs respond extremely well to Safe Solution® treatment. Fiberglass or acrylic type tubs cannot be treated. Presently, Safe Solution® does not work on these types of surfaces. However, we are actively developing a product that will.
Q: Is Safe Solution® difficult to apply?
The application is a simple three-step process with clear instructions to follow on all product labels in both English and French. Everything you need is included in the Do-It-Yourself kit.
Q: Is Safe Solution® safe for the environment?
Safe Solution® is safe and environmentally friendly. We make it safer by including a Neutralizer that converts the remaining residue making it biodegradable and non-hazardous.
Q: What is Safe Solution®?
Safe Solution® is an invisible non-coating, micro-etch application for hard mineral surfaces such as ceramic tile, cement, steel enameled bathtubs, designed to create an anti-slip surface.
Q: How does Safe Solution® work?
Safe Solution® creates invisible, microscopic channels that disperse oils and water from underfoot ensuring contact with the surface at all times.
Q: How effective is it?
According to Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM),“A static anti-slip coefficient of .5 or above is considered a safe walkway surface.” A Safe Solution® treated surface is 0.6 – 0.8+
Q: Will Safe Solution® damage my floor?
Safe Solution® may cause a temporary whitening or efflorescence that will disappear in a short amount of time. A slight dulling effect can sometimes be seen, but a test area is always done prior to application to determine any effect it might have on the surface.
Q: Is it a permanent process?
Experience tells us that routine daily cleaning does not stop the eventual buildup of film and residue left over from cleaning products used. When this occurs traction will be diminished and your floor will require rejuvenating. Once this occurs, the floors will not be operating at maximum effectiveness and traction will be diminished. Most commercial applications average 1-3 years between rejuvenations.
Q: This sounds expensive and I have a limited budget….
When you consider a single slip-fall claim costs an average insurance premium payer a $5,000 deductible, and that a Safe Solution® treated floor can provide up to a 10% reduction in insurance premiums and lower WCB rates, it is not only a great value, but quite affordable too.
Q: What is Clean Step™?
Clean Step™ is a superior multi-purpose cleaner designed to optimally maintain the properties of the Safe Solution® anti-slip treatment as well as handle all commercial cleaning applications. Not only is Clean Step™ an unmatched cleaner, it is also a cost-effective alternative to stocking and using a multitude of various cleaners.
Q: Is Clean Step™ more effective than my current cleaner? My floors look clean.
Most commercial cleaners leave behind a residue that attracts and holds dirt. This not only affects the appearance, but more importantly, the safety of the floor. Clean floors are safe floors. Clean Step™ is a highly effective, super low-residue cleaner, that when used routinely, ensures the cleanest and therefore safest floors possible.
Q: Is Clean Step™ really any different than other so-called multi-purpose cleaners?
Clean Step™ is a superior multi-purpose cleaner designed to optimally maintain the properties of the Safe Solution® anti-slip treatment as well as handle all commercial cleaning applications. Not only is Clean Step™ an unmatched cleaner, it is also a cost-effective alternative to stocking and using a multitude of various cleaners.
Q: How cost effective is Clean Step™?
We provide a cost-comparison chart for your convenience and accuracy of comparison. Not only does Clean Step™ out-perform any other available cleaner, it does so for less money. Regular use of Clean Step™ gives you the cost-saving advantage of volume purchasing without having to buy in volume.
Q: What about my existing contract with another cleaning supply company?
Contracts as generally used in the service industry are voidable contracts which means that if what you are currently using doesn’t address a specific need like providing and maintaining an anti-slip surface, then it can’t be regarded as a breach of contract. These types of contracts benefit the provider and not the customer by “locking them in” despite how they are usually presented. The Floor Safety Maintenance Program offers all the benefits of a contract with none of the obligations. Most contracts contain a simple 30-day notice of change.
Q: How harsh or toxic is Clean Step™?
It is neither. Clean Step™ is a biodegradable, anti-bacterial, non-hazardous, and gentle formulation.
Q: How do you maintain a Safe Solution® treated floor?
Safe Solution® treated floors should be maintained like any other floor, using a good quality PH neutral user friendly heavy-duty strength cleaner, such as Clean Step™, that does not leave a residue. Our Clean Step™ is an essential part of any floor safety program and is designed to ensure maximum slip-resistance. It is obviously ideal for a Safe Solution® treated floor. “CLEANER IS SAFER.”
Q: How long will the Safe Solution® treatment last?
For commercial use, the protection will last up to 3 years depending on traffic patterns and maintenance – for the utmost in floor-care safety we recommend our Floor Care Safety Program with annual Anti-Slip TRES Rejuvinations.
Q: What is the Floor Care Safety Program?
For maximum protection and the utmost in anti-slip floor care safety and cleanliness, we recommend our Floor Care Safety Program with our 5 year orice guarantee. We will provide regular written inspections, annual Anti_Slip TRES Rejuvinations and our Clean Step multipurpose cleaner with reduced pricing guaranteed over 5 years.

Protect Yourself
Bill C- 45:
A federal law, Bill C- 45, provides for workplace health and safety requirements and the penalties for violations that result in injuries or death.